Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our Lady Of Perpetual Astonishment

I did a blog once before. It was on my old friendster page. Remember friendster? The beginning of the social networking sites. You had to know someone to get on enitially and it was super exclusive and hipster centered. Little did they know someday our grandparents would be posting LOL's at our every picture or guffaw!

Anyway, the blog was called Mind Candy or something like that and I'd write all these random entries. It was fun and fucking scary. I remember there were a lot of entries I refused to publish because I was so unsure if I was ready to open myself up in that way.
See, the main reason this scares me is not so much because I care about people knowing what's on my mind or stories about my life. I'm a pretty open book in that respect. I appreciate honesty and though I have my own version of privacy I also think that there's something amazing about sharing your experience with others. It requires a kind of bravery that comes partially natural to me and is partially a dare to myself. The main reason I am fearful of blogs is accountability and the ever changing me. See, I am not a FIXED person on many levels. I have a lot of strong opinions and a foundation of personal truths but I like to keep my mind and my options open. I don't want to ever feel tied to one idea or opinion or definition of myself. I am constantly being amazed and enlightened. Its the reason I will never be of one religion or belief system. I have faith only in the fact that shit will keep changing, along with my mind.

So on these pages you will see the me of today or yesterday. Who knows how I will evolve. I hope only to be better and stronger and always stay open! 24 hour me! Here we go bitches....


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