Friday, February 12, 2010

Someday, Bloody Someday

Someday doesn't exist. I tried to look it up on a calender and nothing. Ziltch. I thought perhaps "Sunday" was a typo of Someday since they sound so similar, but alas, it is sunday in every calender I cross referenced it with too. I guess this means I really don't have any idea when I'm gonna do most of what I wanna do. Crap.

Someday is a good substitute for "Maybe". It has more intent behind it. It's kind of romantic and hopeful. That's why they put it in so many love songs!

I remember having a chat with my mother once and she told me that she hated the word HOPE. I kind of do too. Here's why: hope has a desperation to it. Hope seems to almost imply that there is only one way that things will work out. Only one answer and that's what we wish for but otherwise we're so fucked! Hope is cynical.It's a wish in a world gone to shit. It's a longing. Its a "someday", yes. And while I admire it's seemingly optimistic nature I think it's an imposter and a sham! Hope is for those who don't have the strength to get down with the big guns of optimism: FAITH. Hope is faith's scardy cat bitch. Faith says BRING IT ON! Faith says that no matter what, no matter how difficult things turn out, my shit is gonna stay intact. I will survive! I believe in myself! I truly believe and I shall overcome!
Now, I know you are all gonna think this is some GOD shit and TRUST ME it is not. If that's something that you wanna have faith in go ahead, but keep it out of the goverment and the general community because no one idea should rock paper or scissor over another.Do not impose your beliefs. That's some bullshit. I don't have a problem with individual beliefs but I have a SERIOUS problem with peoples personal beliefs interfering with the rights of others or dictating anything beyond that individuals own CHOICES.

Ya know what burns me up? And this is a tangent but I don't care cause its MY blog and I have to say it: So many, not all, but so many in the christian and catholic church are opposed to my beautiful gay brothers and sisters getting legally married because they think that being gay is a CHOICE. Well, don't that turn blue eyes brown! The true choice is the religion one practices! Just because you CHOOSE to believe in snakes and fairies doesn't mean you should be able to deny equal rights to fairies! Human beings who just want to be with the one they love and have the same rights we do. Such bullshit and I will take anyone, any of you bitches, to task if you try to tell me that denying gay people marriage is anything but imposing ones religion on the masses and denying equal rights to all. Where is George Orwell when I need him? George? Can I get a hell yeah??? [Fist in the air]

So, back to FAITH! Faitha ,faitha, faitha (different George)! It's the shit! It's the way to do go. And I think it can help extinguish all the "Somedays" because it automatically renders one impervious to the fears and insecurities that kept them from commiting to what they truly wanted! Sorry Obama, but hope's for dopes. I say we make an effort to replace those "Somedays" with "Sundays". The Calender already has.

Loads of love,


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